Friday, June 15, 2007


hey! some of the art clubbers and other rj people have completed a week long CIP with SGH! the response to our arts and crafts was pretty good, well done everyone! :) we were mainly stationed at a booth outside the outpatient clinic, and patients who were waiting for their turn could learn some paper quilling. its a very simple and effective decorative technique - just coiling, shaping and pasting paper to get various designs. i made a snowflake for display:

of course there are also many other designs to make. we gave out LOTS of quilling info sheets and design sheets. there was also an embriodery project handed over to us by this french lady who had started it with the national cancer centre since jan. think the patients who came to take part in the activities really enjoyed themselves! ^^

this was a pretty good form of outreach. not only did we get more people interested in arts and crafts, but we also helped to spread the name of rj art club! yay!