Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Lady in the Renaissance Bubble

this is Lita Chow Yuen. she's a singaporean pr, and has been doing similar performances in Cannes. She is also a journalist with the Singapore magazine The Peak, and is in the French town to cover the Cannes Film Fest.
Every day, during non-working hours, she performs her 20minute act, Lady in the Renaissance bubble.
according to her, 'i want to makepeople remember that money is not the most important thing. the balloon represents the material world, and i am reborn when i come out of the balloon'
Her goal is to increase the visibility of singapore performing arts in the international circuit, as well as awareness for needy children around the world.
you may visit her website at www.lita-cy.com
her performance, Lady in the Renaissance Bubble

with reference to Singapore sideshow, lee sze yong as well as http://www.cominweb.com/litavideo/