sentosa outing
hey guys, outing today turned out pretty well though i had hoped that more people would turn up. for those who were there, hope u enjoyed yourself! big thanks to tamie for coming up with the details and all; jingwen and beejuan for helping to organise things while tamie and i were at ccal camp; hiral for preparing nice bee hoon, and all others who helped to bring/ buy food ^^ hope u guys remember what ive shared with u abt the camp too..
here's a group pic:

sorry enli that ur not in it, we took this after u left!
oh and art clubbers please give ur email to jingwen if you wanna be able to post stuff on this blog. i strongly encourage u to! it doesnt have to be serious stuff all the time, but preferbly got to do with our club and art!
Art Exhibitions/Galleries
hello! here are some galleries/exhibits that you guys can visit during the hols if you're interested... and if we have enough people who are interested maybe we can all go gallery hopping or sth like that =)
FICTION@LOVE. Exploring the influence of contemporary popular culture on art, this exhibition casts light on issues invvolving the Internet and comic aesthetics. With paintings, videos and installations from renowned artists hailing from places such as Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan, Korea and America, be prepared for a riveting visual onslaught. Through July 2. Singapore Arts Mueseum. Open Mon-Thur, Sat-Sun, 10am-7pm; Fri, 10am-9pm. (for RJC students entry might be free; check with Mr Chia first)
OPERA GALLERY. "Corda Mauro maniu Nicolae" Celebrated sculptor Maura Corda creates startling transcendental art pieces that deal with the concept of space. The works of this artist have graced galleries in Spain, France, Amsterdam, Venice, London and New York. This exhhibition looks set to woo local art lovers over. Through Jun 1. #02-12H Ngee Ann City. Free.
EARLY WORKS. What started out as an interest took off to become a passion for renowned photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. Check out his early masterpieces shot in Europe, Mexico, USA and Africa in this exhibition, where the banal and monotonous gain a beauty of their own. Jun 7-29. The Arts House. Open daily 101m-10pm. Free.
There's more, but they are all in weird obscure places and the descriptions are very long =S. If you want to find out about more exhibits/galleries, just go pick up an issue of the I.S magazine, which is free and available pretty much everywhere if you look close enough. (try restaurants)
Lady in the Renaissance Bubble
this is Lita Chow Yuen. she's a singaporean pr, and has been doing similar performances in Cannes. She is also a journalist with the Singapore magazine The Peak, and is in the French town to cover the Cannes Film Fest.
Every day, during non-working hours, she performs her 20minute act, Lady in the Renaissance bubble.
according to her, 'i want to makepeople remember that money is not the most important thing. the balloon represents the material world, and i am reborn when i come out of the balloon'
Her goal is to increase the visibility of singapore performing arts in the international circuit, as well as awareness for needy children around the world.
you may visit her website at
Art Outing to Sentosa!
hey guys! our first informal art outing! lets all have fun there! ^^
Date : 31st May 2006
Time : 10.30am
Venue : Meet at Harbourfront MRT station
Attire : Casual beach wear Consent forms: Please take them from the art board and hand them in by this Friday 26th May to Mr Chia’s pigeon hole
its going to be a pot luck picnic. who's bringing what will be decided once consent forms are in.
tentative template's finally out and its starting to look pretty.
time for some publicity work and just get people to come along, tag a bit and all.
if you feel like contributing or putting up a piece of art, your own works, or share a silly story,
please feel free to post a tag and we'll look into it.
under construction.
this blog is still under construction.
any ideas for template or any help would be greatly assisted.
please contact me at if your assistance can be provided.
thank you.
go to for photos of the recent art trip to la salle
yay! we have an art blog! thanks jingwen! ^^ must add cool links like that art attack one.