Events @ Art Friend, Takashimaya
Check out these artistic happenings @
Art Friend, Takashimaya S.C.23 December, Friday2pm- 6pm: Papyrus 3D Painting
12pm - 8pm: Fimo Clay Modelling & Face Painting
12pm - 8pm: DMC Crochet
11am - 2pm: Candle Making
24 December, Saturday12pm - 8pm: Fimo Clay Modelling & Face Painting
12pm - 8pm: DMC Knitting
25 December, Sunday12pm - 8pm: Fimo Clay Modelling & Face Painting
2pm - 8pm: DMC Cross Stitch & Linea
Visit for more info.
more ideas..
cool ideas tamie! ^^
i'm pretty interested in origami. taught some of my friends before and there are some who are really interested in it. so that can be one of the workshops too. maybe we should have different levels of difficulty as some people pick up origami faster than others, or some might already do origami on their own.
does your mum use swaroski crystals? those are really pretty! :) might be a bit ex, but its much cheaper than if you buy ready made earrings/ bracelets/ necklaces from outside. we can always charge a small fee for materials. we could also buy the materials and pack them into small DIY kits to sell.
i think the manga workshop would attract quite a number of people. again, we need to decide if we are catering to beginners or experienced manga artists. so its okay if some of the rg students have already been through a workshop, because there's bound to be other people who havent but are interested. and yea, we should get the h2 art students involved in this too!
here are some of my ideas:
it'll be really cool if we could invite a cartoonist to come and give a demonstration, using the visualiser in the LT or sth. i remember having that in primary school once. he was drawing disney characters like mickey mouse and donald duck.
we can conduct a mosiac workshop where we can use eggshells or mosiac tiles to decorate things like photoframs, pencil holders, small mirrors etc.
maybe a card-making workshop? just to give participants more ideas for cards for various occasions. eg. pop up cards, using cloth, felt, string, beads etc to decorate cards, using stamps with inks and embossing powder
or something simple like making friendship bands. its nice to do esp in boring lectures/tutorials. lol. some people can make really beautiful ones.. i dont know anyone though =S
how about making recycled paper? they can turn out really nice if u put stuff like petals and long grass into the new paper. mr chia also mentioned something before, about teaching us how to book bind. we could combine the two to make our own notebooks.
we can try using polymer clay (sth like play dough) to make into animal magnets to sell, just like what the hwa chong art club did to raise funds.
during my pw i managed to get the contact of the lady who's in charge of the sale of handicraft items made by the people from the society of the physically handicapped. i really liked their handmade notebooks. they are the thick, hardcover kinds (covered with cloth/ fake fur)with blank paper that you might find at Prints (the super ex shop). i could contact her to set up a stall to sell these items in school
those who went down to the dragon kiln would remember seeing that very pretty mural (is it called a mural?) . we could have a ceramics booth where students can make a small decorated clay slab, and when we have enough, we can mount all onto one of the empty corridor walls. this is something similar to what i was suggesting earlier.. about getting people to paint their own tile, which would be made into a big artwork.
this is elspeth's idea for publicity: we could do a big artwork in the grassy area between blocks A and B. something like those big art attacks that the art attack guy always does. the picture could be something that publicises Art Day/Week, so when people look down from the upper levels, they'll be able to see it.
for exhibition.. we dont really have many works to exhibit now, except for our ceramics .. maybe the h2 art people could help us with this bit by lending us some of their works. also to provide some educational value to it, we could give introductions to the various kinds of techniques used in art and crafts. eg. oil painting, watercolour, pottery, collage etc. but there's a very wide variety. might be difficult to cover everything without boring people out. can also have a section about our outstanding local artists like Iskandar Jalil.. or even info on where to go to get certain art materials.
ahh.. such a long post. sorry! but nvm this is just the brainstorming process.. so keep those ideas coming!
Kurt Wenner Street Paintings
hey! as part of the National Museum's opening ceremony, there have been many exciting events lined up for the public this December.
Master Painter Kurt Wenner, famous for his stunning large-scale original anamorphic drawings will create an original anamorphic drawing, live, at the National Museum. do come down to check it out! its an event not to be missed!
Venue: Glass Atrium @ National MuseumDates: 15 - 19 Dec 06Time: 10 am - 6 pm (inclusive of lunch and rest breaks)here are some of his previous works. enjoy!

Chiangmai Trip
Heyy.. just got back from my Chiangmai CIP trip. it was pretty good.. learnt some valuable lessons from the experience i gained there. we were working mainly with the people from the slum community. they are Shan people from Burma.. illegal immigrants who are discriminated by Thai society. anyway, we were camping out in tents for 17 nights. here's a watercolour painting i did of one end of the campsite.
here's a pen sketch of the slum area, done by the teacher mentor, Mr Chua Cheng Chye. damn pro la.. and he very humbly called this a doodle.
anyway, go visit my blog if u want to read more abt the cip trip: cya!
my trip to the uk!
ok this entry is belated by two entire holidays! but i thought it might be worth posting up haha.
i was just flipping through my uk trip journal trying to remember what i'd done back there, and i was once again struck by how different the culture over there was, as compared to back home in singapore. admittedly my experience was a little biased - if this wasn't a lit trip with the school, i would never have watched SEVEN plays in 18 days! i shall bring you the arty highlights here:
Bath (no, not the one in our hostel room - it's a district in England) was one of the most memorable places. Here, you really got to see loads of buskers. There was this really pro percussionist group playing on some advanced form of xylophone. Their performance was really spellbinding and quite a few of us stood around transfixed. At the end of the performance they started selling some album they'd recorded! i thought this was a pretty innovative marketing ploy - one you hardly get to see in singapore since most people do this recreationally. i think this guys actually depend on such performances to get publicity and gigs for a living!
you know how they say artists starve for a living? well over here i saw someone who came pretty close to fulfilling that cliche:

this guy was AMAZINGLY PRO. i think a few of us, as we were walking by, literally stopped in our tracks when we saw this guy. apparently his only tools was a set of pastels and the huge sheet of paper of about 2x4m he'd been working on for the past 2 weeks. (i actually asked him - though he seemed more interested in working on it than engaging in idle chit-chat. typical artist.) his canvas pinnings were no other than water bottles strategically placed to keep the paper from flying off and a tin box for donations. his reference was this relatively tiny picture from some catalogue - about half a piece of A4 paper. just amazing.
to see what all the fuss is about,
CLICK HERE to see what he did.
all he did was to streak some places strategically with two or three different colours and he somehow managed to blend it perfectly. and with his bare hands if i recall correctly. i couldn't believe it myself..
my favourite play actually sorta came as an accident. we were resting on some public lawn (Royal Crescent, at Bath too!) when our tour guide - a really fun guy! - discovered that some theatre company was going to do a full dress rehearsal for
A Midsummer Night's Dream that evening. so quite a few of us specially went back down to that area again in the evening. it really was one of the most magical performances of shakespeare i had ever seen. the actors managed to milk the comedy in the script for all it was worth! and the best part was that ALL of them were actors. They called themselves
The Lord Chamberlain's Men and yes, they were all men.
here's a snapshot of the madness that was my Midsummer Night's Dream:

at first i thought their props and costumes were rather primitive, but their exuberance really made up for all of it. for the uninformed, the plotline involves a rather complicated 4-person love web which is made even more confusing when the fairy king (Oberon) decides to take revenge on the fairy queen (Titania) by making her fall in love with some guy whom he enchanted to have a donkey's head (Nick Bottom - yea that's really his name. Bottom <-> Ass geddit? >D). the Titania you see up there is really a guy in a purple dress not-so-worthy of Project Runway XDD
and also because yiwen has been bugging me about this, i shall post up some sketch i did while at the Lake District. the place is renowned for its beauty, and it's easy to see why poets like William Wordsworth (author of
Daffodils) and Samuel Taylor Coleridge who lived in the area were so inspired to write about nature there. my youth hostel had a stunning view, being situated just in front of one of the lakes. right so if you're interested click the fragment below for the full thing:

yes im quite aware it's far from perfect (especially the monstrous clouds..) but yea i really enjoyed just being out there, sitting on the bench sketching while trying to ignore the evening chill.. plus it makes a great memento of a lovely trip <333
the words are taken from William Blake's
Auguries of Innocence -
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.there's nothing quite like actually walking the same lands, breathing the same as air, seeing the same sights, that the great literary giants did, to remind you that the lands they wrote about do exist. but i think the most beautiful bit is the way they find a place in your heart, and burst out in your imagination.
alrightey i hope this entry wasn't too long! hope all of you are enjoying your hols! try doing something arty with the rest of them, especially if you're going overseas ;) and don't forget your homework too hoho. -groans-
til then, ciao!